Joyful Muffin is not my 1st T-shirt rodeo. I started ‘Wear Your Veggies’ back in 2010, a line that featured line drawings of gorgeous vegetables, that I silk screened by hand, and traveled around the Pacific Northwest selling at art fairs and farmer’s markets.
So when I realized I was heading down a dark path, doom-scrolling and feeling increasingly powerless in late January 2025, I decided to try to turn my outrage into a creative endeavor that will hopefully help spread something positive into this otherwise just appalling moment.
I truly believe that as the weather warms and the executive orders get more audacious and traumatic, we will rise like we never have before. I expect massive protests this summer and HCR said the same!! Might as well look cute and be comfy in the process, no? So: Joyful Muffin! Enjoy!
And thank you from this micro-business owners heart for your support. 10% of my proceeds will be donated to Democracy Forward. LFG!!